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Chung Sik Rhee 2 Articles
The Relationship between Radiation-induced Apoptosis and the Expression of Cytokines in the Small Intestine of Rats
Sung Sook Kim, Yeong Ju Woo, Jooryung Huh, Chung Sik Rhee, In Pyoi Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):921-929.
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It is well recognized that apoptosis is important in embryonic development, homeostatic control of normal tissues, carcinogenesis, tumor development and cancer therapy. Several papers have been reported the phenomenon of radiation-induced apoptosis and suggested its potential relevance to cancer radiotherapy. It has been shown that apoptosis is regulated by various cytokines. But the relationship between radiation induced apoptosis and cytokines have not fully understood in detail, yet.
In this study, we performed to determine the role of cytokine in the radiation -induced apoptosis of rat's small intestine. The rats were divided into 6 groups according to the sacrifice day (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 days) after whole body irradiation with single dose of 8 Gy.
Radiation induced intestinal damage was noted from first day of radiation and the most active regeneration was seen in the groups of 5 days after radiation. Abundant apoptosis were observed in damaged crypts of small intestine 1 day after radiation. Afterwards, the number of apoptosis was gradually diminished, but the second peak of apoptosis was noted in 5 days after radiation. On immunohistochemical study, IL-1, and TNF were expressed 1 day after radiation, but not expressed after that. IL-6 was expressed with strong positivity in 1, 3 days after radiation.
A apoptosis seems to be the important mechanism of radiation induced small intestinal damage, and is possibly induced by the release of cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF, in view the simultaneously increased appearance of apoptosis and cytokines. The second peak of increased apoptosis is thought to be related to remodeling of active regenerative activity, and it is not associated with cytokine expression.
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Treatment results of Definitive Radiation Therapy in Esophagaeal Cancer
Kyung Ran Park, Jun Kyu Loh, Chung Sik Rhee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1990;22(1):162-171.
AbstractAbstract PDF
A total of 88 patients with epidermoid carcinoma of esophagus treated with definitive radiotherapy at Department of Radiation Oncology. Yonsei University College of Medicine between Jan. 1971 and Dec. 1986 were retrospectivelv analysed. 1) Age distribution of patients was between thirty two and eighty with median age of sixty four and male to female ratio was 12:l. 2) Distributions of esophageal carcinoma were 8% at cervical esophagus, 68. 2% at thoracic upper two third. 22.7% Bt thoracic lower one third and 1.1% at multiple site. 3) Response rates were complete response 26.5%, partial response 67.6% and no response 5.9% 4) Median survival was 12 months, Two year and 5 year actuarial survival rate were 23% and 7% respec ti vely. 5) Median survival and 4 year actuarial survival rate by treatment modality were as follows; radiation therapy alc!ne was 12 months and 12.6% and combined chemo-radiotherapy was 11 months and 7.8%. There was no difference in survival rate between two groups. 6) Patterns of treatment failure were locoregional failure 43.2%, distant failure 21.6% and both locoregional and distant failure 35.2%. 7) Statistically significant prognastic factors were tumar response to radiotherapy (P=0.000) and tumor location (P=0.043), while all others such as age, sex, tumor size, chernotherapy and radiation dose were not important.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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