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Cancer Research and Treatment > Volume 34(2); 2002 > Article
Cancer Research and Treatment 2002;34(2): 77-83. doi: https://doi.org/10.4143/crt.2002.34.2.77
Annual Report of the Korea Central Cancer Registry Program 2000: Based on Registered Data from 131 Hospitals
Jong Myon Bae, Young Joo Won, Kyu Won Jung, Jae Gahb Park
Headquarters of Korea Central Cancer Registry, NationalCancer Center, Goyang, Korea. canreg@korea.com
  Published online: April 30, 2002.
The Korea Central Cancer Registry (KCCR) program completed a nationwide hospital-based cancer registry to provide basic statistical data on cancer incidence.
In 2000, 131 hospitals participated in the KCCR program. All cancer registry data, which were submitted by the participating hospitals during the year, were reviewed and analyzed by the committee members.
Of the 94,474 cases that were registered, 7,735 (8.2%) duplication cases were excluded. Of the remaining 86,739 cases, 2,893 cases (3.3%) of carcinoma in situ (morphology code/2) were excluded, leaving a final total of 83,846 cases for analysis, 48,005 (57.3%) male and 35,841 (42.7%) female. The leading age group was 60-64years (15.1%). The six leading primary cancer sites in the order of their relative frequency were the stomach (20.8%), lung (12.2%), liver (12.2%), colorectum (10.3%), breast (6.5%), and uterine cervix (4.5%). In males, the three leading primary cancer sites were the stomach (24.5%), liver (16.3%), and lung (16.3%). In females, the stomach (15.8%), breast (15.1%), and uterine cervix (10.6%). Among the 1,126 cases of childhood malignancies, leukemia (32.7%) was the most common cancer type.
We report our analysis of the KCCR data from 131 nationwide hospitals during 2000.
Key words: Neoplasms;Registries;Annual reports
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