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Cancer Research and Treatment > Volume 35(4); 2003 > Article
Cancer Research and Treatment 2003;35(4): 299-303. doi: https://doi.org/10.4143/crt.2003.35.4.299
Effect of Combination Chemotherapy with Docetaxel Plus Cisplatin in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Hee Jung Kang, Min Kyoung Kim, Young Gil Kim, Jae Lyun Lee, Kyung Hee Lee, Myung Soo Hyun, Sung Hwa Bae, Hun Mo Ryoo
1Division of Hemato-Oncology, Department of InternalMedicine, College of Medicine, Young Nam UniversityHospital, Korea. hms@med.yu.ac.kr
2Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine,Catholic University, Daegu, Korea.
  Published online: August 31, 2003.
This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combination chemotherapy, with docetaxel and cisplatin, as a first line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Between March 1998 and December 2001, 35 patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer were enrolled in this study. The patients were treated at 3-week intervals, with one course of a regimen consisting of docetaxel (75 mg/m2 IV for 1 hours) on day 1 and cisplatin (60 mg/m2 IV) on day 2.
The median age of the patients was 60.3 years. Of the 35 patients, 20 and 15 had stage IIIb and stage IV diseases, respectively. A complete response was observed in 1 patient and partial response in 15, with an overall response rate of 46%. The overall median survival duration was 40.3+/-25.2 weeks. The median time to progression and response duration were 21.6+/-5.5 and 15.1+/-5.9 weeks, respectively. The survival duration was statistically significantly longer in the response group (50.6 weeks) than in the non-response group (31.6 weeks) (p<0.05). Of the hematological side effects, grades III and IV leukopenia were observed in 4.8% of patients. Grades III and IV nausea and vomiting were observed in 48.5%, and grades I and II neuropathy in 11.4% of the treated patients. These toxicities were well tolerable and reversible. There were no hypersensitivity reactions.
Docetaxel and cisplatin combination chemotherapy is relatively effective and safe in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients.
Key words: Non-small cell lung cancer;Combination chemotherapy;Docetaxel;Cisplatin
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