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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 22(1); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1990;22(1): 144-151.
진행성 위암에 대한 5-Fu , Adriamycin 및 Cisplatin ( FAC ) 병용화학요법의 치료효과
공덕경, 이상욱, 한병훈, 서승연, 허만하, 박병채
Treatment of Advance Inoperable Stomach Cancer with Cisplatin Adriamycin and 5-FU ( FAC
Duck Kyung Gong, Sang Wook Lee, Byung Hoon Han, Seung Yeon Suh, Man Ha Huh, Byung Chae Park
Twenty-four evaluable patients with advanced inoperable stomach cancer were treated with a combination of cisplatin (40 mg/m, IV, day 1), Adriamycin (30 mg/m, IV, day 2) and 5-FU (500 mg/ m, IV, day 3-5) every three weeks. The tumor responses and survival of the treated patients were compared to the untreated control patients (15 cases) who had similar tumor burden and performance status. There were four objective partial resPonses, giving a response rate of 16.7%. Eleven patients (45.8%) achieved disease stabilization and 9 cases (37.596) had tumor progression. No complete response was observed. FAC produced signficantly (P<0.0i) superior overall survival comPared to cvntrol. One-year survival rate for FAC regirnen was 53% compared to 15% for the control and median survival times ware 12.5 months versus 6 months, respectively. Toxicity was moderated and consisted of nausea, vomiting and hair loss. In conclusion, FAC regimen appears to have not so satisfactory effect in tumor responses in patients with advanced stomach cancer, but it is helpful for prolongation of survival times as compared to the untreated control patients.
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